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I have been a potter and a teacher for the past 25 years. My small intimate classes have been an exciting experience for me because I have been able to teach and share not only the technical aspects of clay and art, but to learn from the journeys that have brought my students to me.

Some were looking for a creative expression, some a fun night out, some for a new and interesting gift for a loved one. But some were there for other reasons as well. They came for much deeper reasons that they, themselves had not really been aware of. Some needed the balance of the wheel to help balance themselves. Some needed the therapeutic peace of the spinning wheel to help them bring forth and deal with their inner conflicts. Some needed to release pain or trauma that life had unexpectedly thrown at them.

After several years of experiencing the emotional impact that working with clay had on people, I began to discover my role in that process. I had always been an empathetic listener, and I am sure that my own personality helped to facilitate the process. As time went on, I began to realize two major things.

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