
The Peace Council is a diverse group of religious and spiritual individuals who are internationally known and respected and who have decided to come together, as the Dalai Lama wrote in a recent letter, "to understand one another and work together so that those of us who profess belief in our respective faiths can work for the common cause of humanity." He added, "I believe that such a joint effort can set the right example for the rest of the world. [[Category:Interfaith Inter Faith Multi Faith Multifaith Interreligious Inter Religious Environment Spiritual Spirituality Prayer Conflict Resolution Economic Justice Religion Diversity Interdependence Dalil Boubakeur Swami Agnivesh Elise Boulding Swami Chidananda Saraswati Joan Chittister Chung Hyun Kyung Tenzin Gyatso Dalai Lama Maha Ghosananda Thomas Keating Mairead Corrigan Maguire W Deen Mohammed Chandra Muzaffar Samuel Ruiz Garcia Samdhong Rinpoche L M Singhvi Desmond Tutu Levi Weiman Kelman Gonzalo Ituarte Verduzco Hizkias Assefa Khane Khane Marcus Braybrooke Saleha Abedin International Campaign To Ban Landmines Chiapas North Korea Home Of Peace And Love]]

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