
Pema Kilaya


Kilung Jigme Rinpoche first traveled to the West in 1998 when he came to Seattle to teach Vajrayana Buddhism. As an important lineage holder of the Dzogchen Longchen Nyingtik, he teaches almost entirely in this pure sublime tradition.

Rinpoche is the 5th reincarnation of the realized yogi and scholar, Jigme Ngotsar Gyatso of Dzachuka, Kham. Jigme Ngotsar was one of the famed "Four Jigmes," heart-sons of Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa who discovered Longchen Rabjam's vast cycle of teachings, the Longchen Nyingtik.

After being recognized in Tibet at an early age, Kilung Rinpoche was verified as Jigme Ngotsar's reincarnation by H.H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Kyabje Minling Trichen Rinpoche, and by H.H. Dodrupchen Rinpoche.

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