
Developmental Disability Resources, Special Needs Parent Support Group - Parents Connect


The Beginning. Margaret-Lee Thompson of the King County Parent Coalition believed there was a need for a developmental disabilities parent support group in South King County, Washington. She encouraged Trillium Employment Services in Auburn, Washington, to start a group. Trillium representatives spoke with representatives at Auburn AmeriCorp and Children's Home Society along with Lee Valenta who agreed to support a special needs parent group. The first meeting was held in November of 1997. During this meeting and the next, parents and support representatives worked together to form a foundation and purpose for the group. Tim Corey provided graphical facilitation during these first two meetings. The graphics used on this website are some of the wonderful images he drew for us. (View complete picture)

The Next Chapter. This web site is our next outreach project. There are many parents, caregivers and self-advocates who could benefit from the developmental disability resources and information we continue to find but cannot attend our monthly meetings. With this web site, we hope to share what we learn with even more parents and caregivers of children with developmental disabilities.

The Final Chapter. As of June 30, 2005, Parents Connect is no longer operating as a support group. We will continue to maintain the links, calendar and book recommendation portions of this web site. We will keep the newsletters active for the next several months as well as they contain a lot of good resource information that is still up-to-date.

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