
Parenting Concepts makers of The SlingEZee Baby Sling and SwaddleEZee


over 17 years ago. Our first sales were to moms in the neighborhood who would see me wearing our sons and want one for their baby. Now, this many years later, we are selling them as fast as we can make them and shipping them around the world.

Our business goals have not changed; they have always been with you in mind. This season of life will pass so quickly for you and baby. I am reminded of the needlework my mom gave me when our first son was born that says, "quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep. I am rocking my baby and babies don't keep." You and your baby deserve the foundation of a relationship built upon trust and safety. Wearing your baby in a SlingEZee® Baby Sling is just one of many ways you can teach this kind of security.

We also support your decision to breastfeed your baby. Our baby carrier is designed and marketed with breastfeeding in mind. We recognize that not every mom can breastfeed her baby. For them, our baby carrier is a more comfortable way to carry your baby and it is helpful for better bonding. In an effort to further promote this style of parenting, we have added the products of other reputable companies. Find what you need for this time in your parenting life in our online store. In addition, for customers in the Southern California area we now offer breast pump rentals, sales, parts and service.

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