
Panopticon Information Visualisation Software


Corporate Overview

Panopticon's data visualization software together with its Real-Time Business Intelligence capabilities helps banks, retailers, manufacturers, telecommunications firms, engineering organizations, and other industries make timely, insightful and informed business decisions. Panopticon combines innovations in three areas:

  • World class, academically validated information visualizations, including Treemap, Heatmap, Horizon Graph, Heat Matrix, Bullet Graph, Line Graph, Scatter Plots, Barseries, Stack Graph, and Bar Graph visualizations.
  • Real-Time Business Intelligence through combined business activity monitoring & analysis functions
  • Ability to connect to virtually any data source, including real-time streaming feeds, relational databases, and proprietary data formats

The Panopticon platform is available as an SDK that enables software companies and corporations to embed these capabilities into their own applications as well as in a fully productized systems suitable for enterprise, workgroup or desktop deployments.

Panopticon software helps people find hidden patterns, spot problems and identify opportunities buried in mounds of data. It allows people to see and comprehend useful information in large data sets – including those that are constantly being updated in real time. The system supports effective and timely decision making and makes it easy to synthesize, present and share results with colleagues and customers. Clients typically see a very fast ROI on Panopticon implementations. These information visualization tools allow users to work productively and make better, more profitable decisions for their organizations.



Additional Information

The Treemap and its cousins — Heatmap and Heat Matrix visualizations — are three of the most useful data visualization techniques available. They provide an efficient window into underlying real-time business data. You can spot anomalies, hidden patterns and outliers in seconds when looking at our Treemap.

A Treemap is a colorful mosaic of rectangular fields based on your data. The size of a field reflects its importance. The color conveys urgency; good news is shown in shades of blue and bad news is shown in shades of red. Most people can learn to understand the information presented in a Treemap within a few minutes – even if that Treemap is showing data representing an underlying dataset of millions of records.

Treemaps use our innate ability to comprehend size, color and groupings very quickly – much faster than we can read and interpret reports, tables or diagrams. They enable users to easily filter out less interesting data, focus on crucial outliers, and act quickly based on patterns and trends they are able to visualize in what otherwise would be unfathomable mounds of data.

A Heatmap is a special type of Treemap that is well suited for analyzing large flat data volumes using an intuitive graphical display. Panopticon's Heatmaps can handle real-time streaming data as well as historical data; you can also combine real-time data with static data in our Heatmap

Heatmaps are good at representing large numbers of data points in ways that would be unwieldy and hard to interpret using traditional tables or charts. A Heatmap represents each item in the dataset as an equally-sized square, unlike a Treemap that uses the size of the box to represent a qualitative value, and location to represent hierarchical relationships.

In a Heatmap, the color of the square represents a quantitative value relative to the other boxes in the Heatmap, while the location can represent the sorting of another quantitative or categorical value. This allows the analyst to see all of the data items simultaneously. The user can also hover over any item to bring up more detailed information on demand.

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