OCReef.com is an awesome web store for aquarium pet supplies!

About OCReef.com

"Your OCReef Squad - Serving Hobbyists and Professionals for 25 Years" We're OCReef.com's Reef Squad. We search for pet supply manufacturers around the globe to find the most popular and hard-to find aquarium products so you don't have to. And we ship them to you fast. Most of our orders ship the same day they are placed. We provide you a broad range of aquarium pet food and pet supplies. We our stocked with more than 3,500 different products, all available at everyday low prices.

OCReef.com About Us Web Page: http://www.ocreef.com/ocreef_com_aquarium_pet_supplies_web_store

Facts and fun stuff about The OCReef® Online Aquarium Supply Web Store.

We are Team OCReef... We search for pet supply manufacturers around the globe to find the most unique and useful aquarium supplies, so that you won't have to. We provide you a broad range of aquarium pet products and accessories. We our stocked with more than 3,500 different products, all available at everyday low prices. And with our Monthly Specials, Limited Time Only Offers, Reward Points and Coupon® Savings, you'll receive even greater discounts on hundreds of items every month.

All OCReef donations help to fund grants and programs benefiting non-profit Marine & Reef Ocean Animal Welfare organizations, these programs have helped to clean up and save thousands of Coral Reefs nationwide, and have helped save the lives of millions of Marine Animals worldwide.

We want you to enjoy your aquarium, as much as we do ours. Our 100-gallon Reef Display Aquarium is part of the OCReef family. Our three most entertaining members are: "Lanka", our Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis) from Sri Lanka, "Bernie", our Lawnmower Blenny (Salarias fasciatus), and "Adobe" our Orange Spotted Diamond Goby (Valencienna puellaris). All three have brilliant, amazing and amusing personalities, and are a joy to watch. No matter how much time is spent gazing at the entire aquarium, there is always something new and awesome that catches our eye.

About the founder: At the early age of four, David, founder OCReef Aquatics, built his first freshwater aquarium - from a glass jar, and stocked it with aquatic life from a local neighborhood pond. While others were busy with recreational activities in the park that day, David was mesmerized by the aquatic animals he saw swimming and lurking at the waters edge. He caught Minnows, Snails, Aquatic Plants and water beetles from a pond in City Park, in his hometown of New Orleans, Louisiana. Without any real knowledge, David was able to keep the fish alive for several days, not knowingly creating his first ecosystem. This began is undying interest in fish and the inner workings of marine ecology.

After a couple of years of seeing his genuine intrigue, David's father finally bought him a small fifteen-gallon fish tank. By the age of eight, along with his growing interest, he upgraded to a forty-gallon tank filled with African Cichlids (the more colorful of freshwater fish).

By age twelve, David had acquired about ten tanks in an assortment of sizes, with fish and invertebrates from nearby Biloxi Beach (Gulf Of Mexico) that could rival even the most eccentric of saltwater fish collectors. If he had listened to his mother, he could've begun financing his hobby then, by charging a small fee to the curious friends and neighbors who came by for a glimpse of the tanks in his bedroom, and breeding tanks in the garage.

Over the next six years, David's colony of fish grew tenfold. He began giving fish away to friends, to spark their interest in marine life, and sold specimens from his overcrowded tanks to local pet stores. He studied various books and journals on marine ecosystems and the biology of fish, and continued building his reputation as an amateur aquatic authority.

After High School, David's experience and love of marine animals influenced him to take up studies in Marine Biology. Throughout college, he studied Microbiology with an emphasis on Marine Life, as well as numerous other sciences. He continued to advance in his hobby, by building a dozen or more saltwater ecosystems all utilizing Microbes as the major source of his filtration method. In a sense, he lived and breathed in the ocean realm. With a desire to share his knowledge and talent, he began his first business, designing and maintaining aquariums for others. He states, "their is nothing more rewarding than educating, and working with people first hand, over being a scientist stuck in a lab all day"!

David and his OCReef team now have over twenty-five years of hands-on experience and knowledge in the ecology of aquariums. Beyond the traditional, with his unquenchable thirst for knowledge and new discoveries, he has successfully tested and sustained environments that have been uncharted territories for hobbyists, for decades.

David has learned what methods and products are tried and true, and has developed a unique approach and talent for creating and maintaining stable and visually appealing systems. Yet he's the first to admit he doesn't know it all. With constant advancements in technology and science, new and wondrous discoveries are emerging at an accelerated rate, from our deep and mysterious, ages-old oceans. There will always be something new, amazing, and exciting to learn about. It's a hobby one can never outgrow, or grow tired of.

As a young hobbyist, David got hooked, in an ever-changing, life-changing way. In turn, it has inspired in him, and in the OCReef.com Team, a commitment to serve Aquatics Hobbyists with excellence, and to support and foster interest in and appreciation for aquatic life and preservation of our world's oceans.

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