O-Handbag.com is List of links that sell handbags


O-Handbag — Welcome


Excerpted from the website:

We’re a small company (just 3 full time employees and a rotating collective of independent contributors) that wants to bring bags & purses of fresh and inspiring design to you.
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Bran's Comments on O-Handbag.com

  • Bran (frustrated) : This site is a scam in the works. Their "3 staff members" are 3 seperate designers of one of a kind handbags from another site. They have stolen the copyrighted images and are claiming them as their own. Not only do they go on to state that they have the item in stock but imply that there is more than one of these items. There are not. They also have upped the price of the item to sell it at a higher price. They have been spamming the livejournal boards for purse shoppers with these pictures and bags info. They need to be stopped. 08:06, 12 March 2008 (PDT)

BKGinLCP's Comments on O-Handbag.com

  • BKGinLCP (frustrated) : O-handbag.com is a scam. They do not have the bags they are showing for sale. They have stolen images directly from the online shops of the artists who created these bags. The designers who made these bags are not associated with o-handbag.com and have not given permission for o-handbag.com to display these bags! 08:25, 12 March 2008 (PDT)

Masp8s's Comments on O-Handbag.com

  • Masp8s (frustrated) : This site is a scam, and blatently copying others work, their pictures and even descriptions word for word without their knowlegde or permission. Wrong on so many levels. their emails are fake, as they all bounced when tried to email them. 08:26, 12 March 2008 (PDT)

Aja's Comments on O-Handbag.com

  • Aja (frustrated) : Complete frauds. Don't purchase from this site - it is a SCAM! The real creator of the bags displayed on O-Handbag has no affiliation with this site or the people behind it. Major scam operation, please don't be fooled. You can find the real creator on Etsy.com. 09:13, 12 March 2008 (PDT)

Soco's Comments on O-Handbag.com

  • Soco (frustrated) : O-Handbag is a scam...the bags on this site are not their own creations, and they do NOT have permission from the real creators to sell them. It's fraud, and a major copyright violation. 11:51, 12 March 2008 (PDT)

Starfirehawk's Comments on O-Handbag.com

  • Starfirehawk (frustrated) : I am furious that this business is committing a fraud on the potential buyers of these bags which they will not ship to anyone. The real handbag artists can be found on ETSY.com and our artist community is enraged and determined to see this site shut down and these people prosecuted for committing plagiarism, fraud, possibly theft (if anyone bought anything from them here. Do not give these people you credit card number! Beware of danger of identity theft from these criminals! 21:15, 12 March 2008 (PDT)

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