NwWildFoods.com - Home of Naturally Organic Wild Harvest Foods

Northwest Wild Foods is a small, family-owned company in Burlington, Washington that is dedicated to bringing you the rare and natural wild flavors of our region. Northwest Wild foods brings you all natural wild food products: wild mushrooms, wild berries, wild berry jams, wild berry syrups, wild berry honeys, frozen huckleberry, huckleberry products, gooseberries, huckleberry, currants and more!

The company has many stores throughout Washington & Oregon. One can also learn how to make delicious, yummy berry cakes, pies, smoothies, jams, sauce and more from easy to cook berry recipes at Northwest Wild Foods website Nwwildfoods.com!

Wild Berries have many healthy benefits, few of them are listed:

Wild Huckleberries


  • Huckleberries are high in iron and help in building blood.
  • The berry ensures proper functioning of nerve and muscle tissues, such as the heart and skeletal muscles, due to its high content of potassium.
  • Huckleberries are associated with lowering cholesterol; protecting against heart diseases, muscular degeneration, glaucoma, varicose veins, and peptic ulcers.
  • Clinical studies show that huckleberries promote eye health, especially with diabetics.

Wild Blackberries


  • Mild infections, like sore throats and mouth irritations, can be treated with the help of blackberries.
  • Regular consumption of blackberries can help strengthen the blood vessels in your body.
  • Blackberries serve as a great source of ellagic acid, which is known to have antiviral properties.

Black Currants


  • They contain anthocyanins that help in fighting against cardiovascular disease, aging, joint inflammation, eyestrain, urinary infections, kidney stones and even cancer.
  • A diet rich in black currants proves to be helpful against rheumatism, arthritis and gout.
  • Drinking black currant juice is a healthy way to improve your antioxidant intake and maintain a healthy lifestyle.



  • Gooseberries are effective in boosting immunity and rejuvenating the vitality of the body.
  • Gooseberries help increase the production of red blood cells in the body.
  • Gooseberries are a good source of Bioflavonoids, plant pigments that help prevent cancer and other diseases.

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