
The Nolte Academy of Dance


Excerpted from the website:

About Us
In the summer of 2000, Leslie began looking at area dance studios as a prospective teacher. What she found is that none quite fit her ideal and therefore she would have to start her own. Thus, two months later the Nolte Academy of Dance opened its doors. The first year it had one studio, a pilates room and a desk in the lobby that served as an office. That first fall about 60 families gave her a try. They liked that Leslie taught technique and did it with a genuine enthusiasm and love for their children. It didn't take long before other families began hearing the word and started dancing with us. Pretty soon, we were out of space. In the summer of 2001, just after completing the first annual Summer Intensive Camp, a 2000 square foot addition created another studio and the office. Over 300 families signed up the second year and Leslie began assembling a professional staff of instructors who shared her vision and passion for children and dance. The studio could now offer new classes and advanced levels. But the demand for classes was still too much for the space. The summer of 2002 brought with it another expansion to add another dance room and a Summer Intensive that featured instructors from around the country and globe.
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