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Network Weaver's Mission by David Braden

We live at a pivotal point in history - although perhaps it is always so. We cannot deny the conflict and environmental degradation of our time but neither must we accept its inevitability. There are any number of possible futures and we create the future with every choice we make. A future conducive to human life will require better choices on the whole from all six and a half billion of us.

Imagine a world with systems of production in which anyone can participate - ending poverty - that cooperate with nature's processes - healing nature. Imagine a future where:

  • Every child born is held, spoken and sung to, and otherwise receives the stimulation they need as infants and toddlers to allow them to learn at capacity.
  • Every human has adequate nutrition, clothing and shelter.
  • Every human has access to preventive medical care.
  • Crime and violence are reduced because potential criminals have the option to participate in society and society is less vulnerable to victimization.
  • There is a flowering of art, music, story, and entrepreneurial spirit, because humans can choose to pursue their passions.
  • Humans achieve abundance in food by instituting production systems that align with biological processes, increasing biological diversity.
  • Humans live in clean and biologically diverse environments, that are both healthy and beautiful.

We know how to do every part of that. What we do not know is how all the parts fit together to create the world we want. That is the mission of the Network Weavers Network - to engage each of us - with our unique skills and experience - to seek out how what we do fits in the greater whole. Help us discover what we can do to create the future we want for our grandchildren.

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