
Welcome To Bible Alive Ministries - The Free Online Bible School with Free Outlines, Homework and Teaching


We thought that due to the impersonal nature of the Internet, you might like to know a little more about the Fitzpatrick family and Mike's background in particular. To this end, we have included the brief statement below.

I, Mike Fitzpatrick, the Bible teacher you will hear in these teachings, was, for many years, an engineer by profession. I received my Bachelor's degree from Marquette University and my Masters degree from Stanford University - both in Mechanical Engineering. After I graduated, in my 'Before Christ' years I was project manager responsible for the wheel design of the "Lunar Rover" - the 'golf cart' that went to the moon. I also traveled within 300 miles of the North Pole on 3 occasions on research projects.

I was born again in 1974. The Lord began to teach me about His Word almost immediately. The Bible truly came alive and the Lord impressed me right from the beginning that the Power in His Word came from DOING it. Soon I was teaching the Bible on a regular basis. This has continued to the present day. Soon after I was born again and filled with the Spirit, the Lord led me to start an engineering company that eventually ended up designing airbags and seat belt systems for almost all of the major automobile manufacturers. This led to the development of proprietary software which simulated automobile crashes and injury, which was subsequently purchased by virtually all of the major car producers as an aid to reduce car crash testing. As a result of this, I was invited to Washington to be honored by the Federal government and later by Ralph Nader as one of the innovators of the airbag systems that are now in all passenger cars. While all this was going on I felt called to a Bible teaching ministry and ended up teaching the Bible over a 30 year period. The things I learned about running a business based upon Biblical principles provided the background necessary to teach some of the practical lessons on these tapes.

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