personal blog


Mustafa Zahid YILDIZ

Electric-Electronic and Biomedical Engineer,M.S.

Bogazici University Biomedical Engineering Institue


Excerpted from the website description:

muzay electronic and biomedical engineer

 	  What are the features of Explorer Robot ?


1-RF communication 2-PC controlled - control program was written in Delphi 7 3-it has a RF camera which allows to see on the computer screen 4-Robot arm was made of aluminium sheet iron and controlled by dc servo motors 5-it can hold and carry something by using its arm

6-I used AT8051 microprocessor 7-it has also automatic mode which allows robot to go away without crashing the barriers with the help of sharp proximity sensors 8- to drive dc motors i used L293D integrated circuit 9-there is photodiodes to light if its dark to help to record the camera Writer : muzay Source : muzay

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