
Mount Coffee Co., Inc. | Welcome


Around 1690 a Dutch trader named Nicholas Witzen took a plant to Indonesia and then to their colonies to Java and Bali.

From Our Plantation to your Cup: Coffee grows primarily in the tropical regions of the world around the equator where the climate doesn’t change dramatically. Coffee will not flower if temperatures drop bellow 60 degree Fahrenheit. The best Coffee are grown in altitudes over 4000 Ft. above sea level. The coffee pant is a small to medium sized tree it has a life span of 70 years and reaches its highest yield in 5 to 7 years. The fruit, which is called cherry, has two seeds or beans that are covered by a fleshy pulp membrane. Once ripe the cherries are handpicked and the outer layers removed by wed or dry methods. Then the beans are cleaned, dried, graded and inspected. At this point the beans are called Green Beans or ( GRANO DE ORO).

With the beans perfectly clean and dry the roasting process starts which mainly is heating the beans between 355 to 415 degrees Fahrenheit. As they are heated they loose a large percentage of water and increase in size. The length of time coffee beans are roasted affects both flavor and caffeine content. The lighter the roast, the higher caffeine content. Darker roast such as Italian or French roast, are roasted longer to achieve a dark, rich flavor. More caffeine is lost in the roasting process, resulting in a lower caffeine level than lighter roast. After roasting coffee keeps most of its approximately 0.8% to 2.5% caffeine content.

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Mount Coffee Co.
Vallejo California
United States 94590

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