
Mother Jane


Beth Burden dba Mother Jane
Lexington KY
United States 40514


On a well-documented July night in 1965, Bob Dylan unintentionally ushered in a new era of electric-folk music before an unamused crowd of purists at The Newport Folk Festival. No one noted it at the time, but when Dylan lit into those first few electrified notes of “Maggie’s Farm” that night, he was setting a precedent for a similar transformation in the heretofore acoustic-folk music of Lexington, Kentucky, duo Mother Jane.

Over the course of their four albums, Mother Jane has gradually completed their progression into a full-fledged electric folk-rock duo. Where once there was the six-string acoustic guitar of Beth Burden layered with Lisa Raymond’s 12-string acoustic, lightly supported with percussion, there is now a wash of electric guitars and basses, a full drum kit and even a Hammond B-3 organ. Where once the comparisons began and ended with the Indigo Girls and Shawn Colvin, there are now strains of Melissa Etheridge, Counting Crows, a little Ben Harper and maybe even some Loggins & Messina wafting through Mother Jane’s fourth and latest offering, This Time Tomorrow.

“We wanted a fuller sound on This Time Tomorrow,” says Burden, whose lively voice instills Mother Jane with a soulfulness not evident in most folk-based music. “We wanted to explore more instrumentation and not feel limited. With the last CD, Can’t Complain, we were just introducing drums and bass, so it was pretty much straightforward, let our fans get used to the fact that we have a backbone behind us now, and see how they feel about that. This time, we just wanted to stretch the limits of what we could do.”

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