Mind-Healing.org is Alternative Mental Health from a personal perspective

About Mind-Healing.org

Hello,my name is Daniel and welcome to this site. From my own personal experiences I know how important getting rid of toxins and balancing the body is...Since I want to make my degree in Naturopathy I am not including my full name here, since some of my views may seem a bit critical of conventional, Allopathic medicine...You can always get all my information by doing a whois search for this domain. Your brain is you. It is the most protected organ in your body. But its the blood brain barrier is not up to date. See how awful diseases like Alzheimer s have to do with toxins...

It took me years to find out what was frying my brain and making my life miserable. It is unbelievable to learn that simple daily things like your bread or your dairy can ruin your social and even financial life...

Some people are really bad off because of toxins frying the brain and they get Schizophrenia and live on the streets...

But the knowledge is there. We do know that some react very badly to food and have brain inflammation because of that. We do know that Niacin (Vitamin B3) helps about 95 % of the people with Schizophrenia, especially when taken directly when the diagnosis is given, but we settle with drugging these poor souls into Lala Land and are happy with a recovery rate of only 10 %.

I really wonder why that is... and part of it is that there are many drug companies in the fortune 500, earning their money by producing drugs and with ILLNESS as the market, not health...

So mind-healing.org was founded to help people worldwide to see that heroes like Dr. Abram Hoffer, Gary Craig, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, Dr. Joseph Mercola and many others have great and risk-free answers to the growing army of mentally and bodily challenged people...

Autism is another topic...the drug companies dump mercury and aluminium into the vaccines and - since they are only liable when it is proven that they knew about the dangers - raise their hands claiming that the autism epidemic has nothing to do with them...nevertheless do many children recover when being detoxified...

Dr. Klinghardt is one of the heroes of Alternative Health detoxification methods ...

Alternative Mental Health is getting more and more important...many people in the future will find that just throwing in pills won't help in the long run...

Modern Medicine is great for acute intervention, but if we do not address the underlying causes, we will be left with the choice to learn and work on healing or be lobotomized for life...

http://www.mind-healing.org is striving to giving searching people the answer they need...from a personal perspective

To your best Daniel

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