Massage Therapy Phoenix AZ

Stone, LMT Clinical Massage

Stone, LMT Clinical Massage is your contact for soothing massage therapy in a holistic environment where wellness thrives. My name is Jeremy Stone. I am certified massage therapist specializing in rehabilitative and medical massage therapy.

Massage therapy is not just a luxury way to pamper yourself. It has growing medical benefits sited by top media outlets that include boosted immune function, lowered heart rate and blood pressure, and improved my-skeletal conditions to release pain. As one of the few area specialists in medical massage therapy, I offer a variety of modalities to help improve your lifestyle. These include myotherapy by applying focus on trigger points, deep tissue that aims to relieve tension in the deeper layers of tissue in the body, and Swedish massage as a very relaxing and therapeutic style of bodywork.

When it comes to the healing touch, my mission is to provide quality care to all those who seek my professional massage therapy services within a collaborative, multi-specialty environment. Whether you are suffering from pain, or just need relaxation from a demanding life-style, I can help you. To schedule an appointment, call 208-713-0502.


Stone, LMT Clinical Massage in Phoenix, AZ is your source for high-quality massage therapy as a part of your routine medical care. My modalities focus on rehabilitative and medical massage therapy that lower your stress hormones and decrease inflammation to help with conditions such as allergy and asthma. I offer affordable pricing and flexible scheduling. Call me today at 208-713-0502 to find out more about my massage therapy services:

  • Rehabilitative Massage
  • Deep Tissue Massage
  • Swedish Massage
  • Myotherapy[[Category:]]

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