
Were you looking for a list of LongPages?

If you wish to mark something as a long page, and or start a discussion to break the long page up. Use the tag {{LongPage}}.

Long pages are usually pages over 32,000 bytes and are usually made of spam. Sometimes they're not spam but useful information in that case they are left alone or broken up into multple pages.

If the page is spam feel free to remove the spam sections. Sometimes parked pages are accidently caught and all encryption data (ie: 2634636575754rea23463) is on the page taking up a lot of space, or sometimes a long HTML code or a site source is put on a Wiki page by accident. Feel free to revert these errors, and or fix them.

Feel free to participate in the discussions created as well. The LongPage notice looks like:

You have ventured upon a long page. It has also been suggested that LongPage be cut up into more then one page to reduce pageload and size or be rewritten to reduce size. Click here to discuss this.

Retrieved from "http://aboutus.com/index.php?title=LongPage&oldid=12467450"