
Chronic Illness Counseling For Patients and Caregivers


Excerpted from the website:

Terry sees her personal mission in life as continually learning new ways to open her own heart, strengthening her spiritual connection, and becoming as authentically transparent and self responsible as possible. She carries her mission into every session, with the belief that when we see others through the eyes of an open heart, we see beyond illness, beyond fear or self doubts, right into the deepest truth about who they are. And at the core of us all, the deepest truth is that we are all beautiful, whole, and blessed with our own set of unique gifts--gifts given in order for us to carry out our Divine Purpose, whatever that may be. However a client may be viewing themselves when they first arrive in her office, Terry sees her role as a mirror, there to reflect back that same truth and beauty, that core wholeness that no illness or other outside influence can change.
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