


Where Screenplays Meet Technology Excerpted from the website:

“I love the spirit behind what they’re trying to do. Their energy, enthusiasm and interest in the business is truly impressive.” — Barbara Holliday, CEO/Owner Digital Design LA Inc.

"This program lets me use the speed and efficiency of the computer for an entirely instinctive and subjective process. Now that's progress!"'' — Ellen Sandler, Co-Exec Producer, Everybody Loves Raymond

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LitCentral has found a way to ­ miracle of all miracles ­ use real science to analyze what works and what doesn't in a screenplay. You get the straight unvarnished truth in an easy-to-read graphical format that tells you precisely what you need to do to make the script sell-worthy. Using LitCentral's new coverage service, writers grasp the quality of their script ­ in an instant. With multiple projects in the pipeline, LitCentral is on to something that could improve the quality of the movie experience for all.

LitCentral is bringing the workflow of script development and script management into the new Millennium for a long overdue technological overhaul ­ starting with script coverage. LitCentral's efficient hybrid, a cross between standard coverage and script analysis, can precisely pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of a script, and reflects them in a visually-accessible graph.

The development process, notoriously the greatest bottleneck in filmmaking, has remained virtually stagnant since the dawn of cinema. This last remaining bastion has been left untouched by technology. Until now...

In solid development for over two years, the co-founders of LitCentral confidentially interviewed producers, development executives, professional readers, writers and story analysts. They held private focus groups and discussed their concepts with the WGA. The efforts resulted in twenty indisputable and indispensable story structure elements by which all screenplays should be graded against.

Lifting a rubric model from academia, each element is graded on a scale of 1.0 ­ 4.0 and averaged much like a grade point average - producing an overall score. Far more illuminating than the typical limited "Pass," "Consider" or "Recommend" used today. Integrating these elements into a software, and with two patents pending, LitCentral has a unique methodology for accurately identifying the quality of a script.

"When I first heard about this software I laughed out loud thinking it would be impossible to standardize something so subjective without ripping the heart right out of it," explains Carolyn Carpenter, who has read scripts for companies such as Village Roadshow Pictures (The Matrix, Analyze This), and covered scripts including Black Hawk Down, The Man Who Wasn't There and Confessions of Dangerous Mind. Carolyn became an intricate part of the initial research and development of LitCentral's software. She continues: "But once I saw LitCentral's approach, I realized their software doesn't sterilize the process, but rather allows companies to create one voice through an intelligent yet accessible system. It takes a lot of pressure off the readers which allows more creativity to surface."

There is a huge disconnect with the way coverage is provided today. Neither a script nor film will be successful if it doesn't emotionally resonate with its audience - yet standard coverage completely ignores this critical aspect. "A writer pours their heart and soul into their script, and successful films emotionally- engage audiences, but the step in between ­ coverage - is completely devoid of the Reader's emotional response. What else is more important?" asks co-founder Robin Hillary. This is where LitCentral gets really interesting. Imagine being able to track right where a Reader laughed out loud, or became anxious or scared or worse, where the script flat-lines. An Emotion Meter Graph is a feature of

LitCentral's upcoming LitFilm and LitTV editions, and will soon be available with coverage reports analyzed through LitCentral's Coverage Department. LitCentral's first service product, LitCentral Coverage Department, is a web-based coverage service created specifically for screenwriters. Writers everywhere can now have their scripts analyzed by readers (in LitCentral's case LitAnalysts) that renders a coverage report unrivaled by anything else on the market.

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