

Some of us relish an extraordinary sense of adventure, drive and spirit, a testament to our vivid outlook on life. To us, it's the journey that really matters - a sense that the new and unpredictable can truly inspire and empower, like a good piece of writing.

Translating ideas into a compelling story is sort of like conjuring up a little bit of mystery and magic from Mother Earth herself. If you forage patiently beneath the dark layers of soil and stone, you might well unearth a bushel or two of buried seeds from a latent kitchen garden. I call these "seedlings of prosperity" - something that lies within every intention, every deed, every gesture. And, that’s why I write about the fascinating world of business and technology.

The two are constantly changing the way we interpret the world and how we interact with each other, crafting new bonds along the unknown pathways of humanity. At the very essence of a promising business venture is a curious mindset innovating time and space that carries forth new ideas. What we learn along the way and take away from the experience is what makes the world of commerce so exciting.

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Micali, Lisa
United States 06515

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