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Free downloads to enhance productivity

You've got a business to run, and expenses to watch. You could use some productivity tools - and free is a very good price. But how can you tell which free business software programs are actually any good? We're here to share a few that are tried and true.
Remember when you try out other free software offerings that many are still at the beta stage, meaning they could still have some undiscovered bugs. Companies benefit from people using their software and reporting the bugs - the company gets free testing, and people get a free tool.

Among the most popular software downloads of 2010 are the ones we share below. We've found them useful, stable and best of all, free!

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CRM from Really Simple Systems ~ Many free CRM packages are 30-day trial offers. Not this one - it's free for as long as you wish. The catch? The system is for two users and up to 100 contacts. If you wish to add additional users or clients, you can upgrade to the paid service.

This system is perfect for any small business. It's super easy to use, plus it has all the features and functionality to keep track of prospects and clients - their names, when to call them back, what you discussed, what they bought, and what they might buy. The product also lets you upload letters, faxes, spreadsheets and more, all with easy retrieval.

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Skitch ~ This free image enhancement program is for Mac users only - sorry, PC people - but it's too good not to shout about here. Skitch lets you grab any image, add notes, comments and graphic touches to create one-of-a-kind images quickly and easily. With Skitch, you don't need any special experience or skill. The clear and concise directions get you started in a snap.

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