
Mike Wietor & Marti Agudo -- Country Squire, Inc., Realtors -- Fort Lauderdale Area, FL -- Home Page


After their many years in the real estate business Mike and Marti have come to the conclusion that even though the economy changes AND the real estate market changes AND even real estate agents may change, SOME THINGS NEVER CHANGE.............

As Co-Owner of County Squire, Inc., Mike has personally SOLD over 1,100 properties. On three separate occasions (1984, 1992, and 1997), he has served as PRESIDENT of the 2,000 member SOUTH BROWARD BOARD OF REALTORS. He was awarded the REALTOR-OF-THE-YEAR designation in 1987 as well as being named a LIFE MEMBER of the HONOR SOCIETY in 1988.

Marti, who is also Co-Owner of the company, has sold and marketed over 1,000 properties during her real estate career. Marti, who has also served as PRESIDENT of the SOUTH BROWARD BOARD OF REALTORS, was awarded the REALTOR-OF-THE-YEAR designation in 1988 as well as being named a LIFE MEMBER of the HONOR SOCIETY.

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