
About Simple&Better

My name is Jef Menguin. I am a leader of STARFISHER ASIA, a people development company in the Philippines. STARFISHER ASIA help organizations develop through our leadership development programs. The vision of STARFISHER ASIA is to develop 20 million leaders by 2020.

This is my personal website. It is focused on leadership. My personal belief is that we are born leaders. We choose the kind of leader we become. Leaders have different boiling points. Some need to be inspired before you can educate, engage, and empower them. I believe great leaders are inspirational and transformational.

I speak and write about leadership - personal, team, and organizational- productivity, communication and public speaking, customer service, and making your own mark ( beyond personal branding). I also talk about excellence, initiative, malasakit, and service. On some occasion I write asides and some of these do not fit neatly into one of the categories mentioned above.

My goal is to create insightful, practical, relevant, and easy to read content that you can use as you work on your leadership. If you aspire to become a great leader, I hope this website can help you.

If you are an organizational leader who need an inspirational speaker on leadership, teamwork, excellence, and service, contact me. I may help you.

I typically posts as often as I can. To make sure you do not miss my recent articles, you can via RSS. You may also receive a weekly email updates from me where I list down all the articles I have written for a week. Choose the ones you like to read. Visit today.

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