
Italian Business, Italian Marketplace, Italian Companies, Italian Yellow Pages, Italian Business Directory


Mission: To actively build global business opportunities and partnerships harnessing the power of the Internet for small and medium size Italian-oriented companies.

History: More than a million companies already trade with Italy, and 60 million Italians live overseas. By creating an online global community with common business practices and cultural ties, Italbiz can act as the bridge to this large marketplace. Italbiz can link Italian-oriented businesses together to forge new international partnerships and explore new opportunities. This global community led Emilio Fontana, a former President of the Los Angeles Italian Chamber of Commerce, to the conclusion that a viable e-business destination on the Internet could vastly increase the opportunities and efficiencies of this huge global community.

And so Italbiz was created to give small and medium-sized Italian-related companies around the world a business-to-business partner that could provide turn-key online solutions and relevant online content while helping them generate business/trade on an international level.

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