is information portal about businesses & services in Bali

Title is your personal guide for all things in Bali: whatever It Is In Bali, you can find it on

Description has a comprehensive listing of business services in Bali, activities in Bali and essential numbers for all residents of, and travellers to Bali.

It is a Bali tourist information portal that contains a comprehensive listing of all kinds of businesses in Bali and services in Bali. The purpose of this Bali information portalis to be a one-stop Bali information point for visitors & travellers coming to Bali. It acts like a travel directory of Bali, but on the Internet.

This travel directory of Bali includes information on holiday accommodation in Bali (ranging from cheap hotel room in Kuta Bali; five-star resort in Nusa Dua Bali; boutique villa in Seminyak Bali); dining out in Bali (fine-dining restaurants in Bali; local eating spots in Bali; delis & cafes in Bali); shopping in Bali (boutique clothing shop Bali; home furnishing Bali; shopping mall in Bali); night out in Bali (live music bars Bali); disco with DJ gigs Bali; lounge bars Bali); activities in Bali (surfing snorkelling Bali; diving schools & spots Bali; traditional Balinese dance performance); services in Bali (transportation in Bali; Internet Cafes in Bali; Bali wedding & event planner organizer); spas in Bali (beauty salon Bali; traditional Balinese massage); yoga holistic retreat venue; museums in Bali.

Businesses in Bali and services in Bali on this Bali travel information portal are listed by Bali business category and by Bali location, so a search on this Bali travel directory can be done by category of business in Bali or service in Bali, or by location in Bali of the business in Bali or service in Bali.

All listings on this Bali travel directory include essential company details like address and telephone. As this is an opt-in directory of businesses in Bali and services in Bali, there are featured businesses in Bali and services in Bali that have their website URL and photographs displayed in this Bali travel directory. is a Bali information directory owned by Western expatriates who are long-time residents of Bali, and managed by staff who have an intimate understanding of the various businesses in Bali and services in Bali.

Queries regarding the service packages of Bali information directory, as well as Bali information directory circulation online can be sent to info "at", or call +62-(0)-361-3171555.

If you have a business, service or activity you want to promote on, you can get a FREE Basic listing (essential company information and contact details only) by going to

Five-star Hotel Is-In-Bali
Luxury Villa Is-In-Bali
Private Resort Is-In-Bali
Cheap Budget Hotel Is-In-Bali
Home-Stay Is-In-Bali
Property Consultants Is-In-Bali
Yoga Studio Is-In-Bali
Holistic Retreat Workshop Is-In-Bali
Night Life Disco Is-In-Bali
Live Music Cafe Bar Is-In-Bali
Traditional Balinese Dance Performance Is-In-Bali
Five-Star Restaurant Is-In-Bali
Cheap Local Eating Spot Is-In-Bali
Delis Cafes Is-In-Bali
Art Museum Is-In-Bali
Photo Art Gallery Is-In-Bali
Massage Spa Treatments Is-In-Bali
The Surfing Is-In-Bali
The Snorkelling Is-In-Bali
The Diving Is-In-Bali
The Mountain Trekking Is-In-Bali
The Golf Course Is-In-Bali
Shopping Mall Centre Is-In-Bali
Fashion Shop Is-In-Bali
Home Furnishing Wares Is-In-Bali
Car Rental Is-In-Bali
Motorbike Rental Is-In-Bali
Public Transport Is-In-Bali
Event Planner Organizer Is-In-Bali
Wedding Planner Organizer Is-In-Bali
Visa Information Is-In-Bali
Foreign Consulate Embassy Is-In-Bali
Hospitals & Clinics Is-In-Bali
Kuta Is-In-Bali
Seminyak Is-In-Bali
Ubud Is-In-Bali
Jimbaran Is-In-Bali
Nusa Dua Is-In-Bali
Denpasar Is-In-Bali
Lovina Is-In-Bali
Candidasa Is-In-Bali
Sanur Is-In-Bali
Nusa Lembongan island Is-In-Bali
Benoa Is-In-Bali

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