

IFA India Islamic Fiqh Academy Jurisprudence Fatwah Fatawah


"Some renowned and leading scholars, intellectuals, researchers and Muftis are engaged in discussion and deliberations upon three salient Fiqhi issues-Orange Transplantation, Birth Control and Pagri. The whole Millat is waiting anxiously for the outcome as it will provide cherished guidance on these matters. The pleasant scholarly atmosphere, the complete freedom of expression, sharing of views in an unbiased and unprejudiced manner and an endeavor to find solutions of new problems and issues facing Islamic jurisprudence with the help of collective thinking", this is a visual impression of the first Fiqhi Seminar.

What an unprecedented step and unique experiment it was! Under the aegis of the Islamic Fiqhi Academy (India), on April 13, 1989 at New Delhi, an impressive gathering of Islamic religious leaders, Muftis and experts of contemporary learning from all parts of the country was organized. Late Hazrat Maulana Syed Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi (President, All India Muslim Personal Law Board), Late Hazrat Mualana Minnatullah Rahmani (Secretary General,All India Muslim Personal Law Board ), the renowned and well known Islamic scholars and jurist Sheikh Dr. Taha Jabir Al-Alwani and more than 300 jurists and Scholars of contemporary learning participated in the first conference of Hasan, Hazrat MI. Mufti Nizamuddin ( Darul Uloom Deoband ), Hazrat MI, Mufti Abdur Rahim Lajpur and Hazrat MI. Masiullah Khan blessed the gathering with their presence, well-wishes and guidance.

The foundation for the collective thinking, deliberation and mutual cooperation in the academic and research fields, between the Islamic religious leaders and experts of contemporary learning was laid down on the occasion of the First Fiqhi Seminar in 1989 and now it has assumed the form of a blossoming tree. Thus in 1996 the Ninth Fiqhi Seminar, which may be termed rightly as a gathering representing the whole of India's Islamic religious scholars, attractedf Faqeehs (Jurists), and intellectuals from the UK, Canada, Nepal, Syria and from fourteen states within the country. The Indian delegates numbering more than 300 hailing from about 100 leading Madrasas and other centers of learning. During the short span of its life the IFA could arrive at judgement and conclusions on scores of issues which provided Shariah guidance to Ummat-e-Muslimah in various walks of life. It brought Ulamas and Fuqahas belonging to various schools of thought and diverse thinking on a single platform and bridged the widening gap between the experts of religious and contemporary learning to a great extent. In this manner, it made both of these experts realize the importance and complementarily of each other and infused a sense of mutual cooperation in them. It presented the practical example of a collective approach and pursuit for thinking on new issues and an endeavor to find out their suitable solutions. It set a new style of imparting training to the young graduates (Fazils) from the Madaris, and successfully demonstrated Islamic Shariah's eternal and everlasting quality, superiority and its ability of finding solutions to the ever cropping complex problems of the modern society. It made the people aware of the lively nature and vigorous state of the Islamic Jurisprudence. New issues and practical difficulties faced by the Mulims were the focus of discussions and deliberations during all the previous Fiqhi seminars which were held in various major cities of India.

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