


Excerpted from the website:

Our Philosophy
Teach our players what it takes to be competitive and work hard! Gym Rat Teams all play with a certain passion and love for the game. They get on the floor after every loose ball, they play hard nose man-to-man defense (we do NOT teach zone until Under 12 because zone defenses do not teach the kids how to play defense), they hustle on and off the court, they play as a unit not as individuals and they compete every time they step onto the court. Gym Rats basketball is not all about winning, it's about teaching and learning how to play the game the correct way. Even our 2nd graders, know what a 1-man, 2-man, 3-man, 4-man, and 5-man are and where their supposed to be on every play and every defense. Kids want to be taught and if done the right way, they can achieve amazing accomplishments.
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