is the personal site & server of Will "NeoPhoenix" Wallingford.


Gryvon Network (


The Gryvon Network is a site, server, domain, and network all together. It's the personal domain of Will "NeoPhoenix" Wallingford, an internet veteran who has probably seen more than he cares to remember. From AOL brats to /b/-tards, Will's encounter with the many cultures within the internet have left him with a very unique outlook on life, and this page contains his random ramblings.

Gryvon's name is based off of that of a fictional city on a distant world. This city was a cultural center of an entire civilization, and it's name has been a recurring one in many of the stories and worlds Will has helped to create.

Additional Information

  • Main page is a reproduced RSS feed of Will's LiveJournal
  • Server itself is used primarily for email, image, and file hosting by Will and some of his friends
  • The image in the background of the main page is known as the "Crimson Cross" and is Will's own personal emblem. It is actually protected by a United States electronic copyright. Any unauthorized use of the "Crimson Cross" emblem constitutes infringement.

Related Domains

External Links

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