is a non-profit arts school supporting classical realism


The Great Lakes Atelier is currently pending its status as a nonprofit organization under Chapter 501(c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code. The Great Lakes Atelier was founded to further the practice and education of artists working in the Contemporary Classical Realist tradition. We operate under the strong conviction that creativity and experimentation can only succeed and prosper when built on a solid core foundation . GLA is committed to upholding the most comprehensive cirriculum and the highest standards of art instruction while providing affordable opportunities for all artists and students that include:

•Open figure and portrait drawing sessions as well as drawing and

     painting workshops taught by master artists and instructors

•Classes with long-pose sessions for drawing painting, from casts,

     live models and self portraits

•Gallery, museum visits and seminars to enhance the study of

     contemporary classical realism

•An intimate atelier setting with a supportive, collaborative, inspiring,

     student-friendly learning environment

The atelier curriculum is designed as a systematic progression, which breaks down the complex and intimidating challenge of learning to draw and paint realistically from life into practical stages. Each stage requires that the student acquire and demonstrate specific skills before advancing to the next more challenging stage. The training and curriculum of our Apprentice Program is created from the best and most effective traditional methods and techniques used in 19th-century European academies and private ateliers.Our instructors and master artists approache the teaching of art as if introducing students to the challenge of learning a new language, a visual language. One requires structure to genuinely and comfortably "speak" this visual language. Studenta entering our apprentice Program can expect to master the vocavulary of the artist and develope the slid foundation needed to evolve into their own unique style. [[Category:]]

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