
Grailville - Home


The Grail
Loveland OH
United States 45140


Called by spiritual values, The Grail envisions a world of peace, justice, and renewal of the earth, brought about by women working together as catalysts for change. Formed in the Netherlands in the 1920s, The Grail is an international women’s movement with roots in the Christian tradition, committed to spiritual search, social transformation, ecological sustainability, and the release of women’s creative energy throughout the world. Grail members are bonded in action and faith, working in 20 countries, as individuals and Grail groups, interconnecting regionally, nationally and internationally.

, is the first and largest U.S. Grail center and home to the National Grail Office. U.S. Grail centers are also located in

At Grailville, the heart of the work that we do is building community. Through our programs, projects, workshops and activities, we hope to expand the circle of people we are connected to and increase the opportunities for us to be in relationship with others. Whether at our annual Women Artists Exhibit or our Fall fund-raising dinner; whether in a Zen meditation retreat or in conversation with groups renting our guest facilities—whatever the event, we see it as an opportunity for us to widen our circle of friends and expand the network of like-minded people with whom we can share and who would like to share with us.

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