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Good and Evil

A free 320 page comic book!

Good and Evil is available in over 35 languages.


How It Began Michael and Debi Pearl are the visionaries behind this illustrated graphic novel Bible storybook and Michael is the author. They have devoted their lives to telling the entire world about Jesus. When their daughter, Rebekah, was a missionary in Papua New Guinea, she struggled to communicate the gospel to a tribal people whose language she was still in the process of learning. Through that experience, God gave them a vision of producing the Bible story from Genesis to Revelation in a self-propagating format that stands on its own or can be used by anyone.

Good and Evil Created God led Michael and Debi to a world famous artist who had retired from Marvel Comics, and they hired him to be their illustrator. Next came the shading and bubbles and text entry and proofing. Now, after seven years and more than $200,000, the finished comic book Good and Evil has already been translated into over 30 languages, with a goal of 100 languages. Between the graphic novel, the individual smaller comic books and the coloring books, over 400,000 books have been printed.

The Goal Now that the English version is done in brilliant color, the message needs to be spread throughout the world. It is the Pearl's mission to send these little paper missionaries forth into every little nook and cranny on the globe, that every man, woman, and child may hear the good news of Jesus Christ. To that end, it is our vision to translate Good and Evil into over 100 languages in the coming years. This is no easy task, but neither is it an unreachable goal. Please join us in making it a reality. Currently we have 35 languages published online.

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