
Golden Corral


When our first Golden Corral® restaurant opened in Fayetteville, NC back in 1973, a fledgling Golden Corral® Corporation took a confident first step into the restaurant business, beginning a tradition of partnering great tasting food with friendly service for the best value.

Golden Corral® family-style restaurants offer the biggest and best buffet and grill available anywhere. Our famous buffet contains an array of food choices including hot meat options, pasta, pizza, fresh vegetables, salad bar and a selection of carved meats at dinner and on Sundays.

We are most proud of our Great Steak Buffet featuring "all-you-can-eat" sirloin steak. Golden Corral’s steaks are USDA inspected, cut fresh daily for better flavor and juiciness and are grilled to order. We also provide a variety of menu items that are cooked at the grill station in front of our guests. Grilled chicken, pork, salmon steaks, steak burgers, sausage, and more provide a constant variety of delicious grilled products for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

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