GoatRentalNW.YolaSite.com Goat Rentals and Goat Lawn Mowers in Portland, Oregon

Goat Rental NW: Clean Up Your Yard!

Got weeds? Call Goat Rental NW to have your weeds cleared in Multnomah, Clackamas and Washington Counties, by the most natural means possible: goat.

Goat Rental NW takes the mystery out of goat-enabled clearance with its list of 15 plant species that the City of Portland has put on its Required Eradication list. The list tells you what goats will eat. will eat. No, your partner's disgusting old t-shirt is not included.

Goat Rental NW even has a Quick Quote page where you can enter the dimensions of your yard, empty lot or field to find out how much it will cost to have the goats strip it bare.

Goat Rental NW Social Media

Community Comments

Nyco says: In South Carolina, goat herds are used to clear overgrown lots. They like weeds and tend to skip the grass. I've seen one herd of about a dozen clear a full acre in less than two weeks. Yee-haw.

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