
Garden Plants, Garden Trees, and MacroBonsais for Sale


Luxury Garden Plants Nursery supplies the following types of large plants for landscaping:

GIANT OLIVE TREES: Olea Europaea (1000 years old ancient olive trees, above 100 years of age, and also young (below 100 years) specimens. We have some of the world's oldest olive trees in planet earth.

PALM TREES: Phoenix Dactylifera, Phoenix Canariensis, Trachycarpus fortunei, Chamaerops Excelsa, Chamaerops Humilis, Arecaceae, Arecastrum Romanzoffianum, Butia Yatay, Butia Capitata, Archontophoenix, Washingtonia robusta, Levistonias, Syagrus romanzoffiana, Cocos nucifera, Date palms, Queen palms, Coconut palms

CYCAS: Cycadophytas, Cyca Revoluta, Cycas Revoluta, Sago cycads, Cycas circinalis, King sago palm, Sago palms

GARDENING FRUIT TREES: Orange trees, Lemon/Citrus trees (Citrus limon, citrus sinensis), Fig trees, Vine trees

Additional Information

Delivery worldwide, wholesale, end user, road, sea transport, in large volume container plastic pots (macrobonsais).Plant a tree in your garden and feel the energy of nature!

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