
Gael Drum - Beyond Burnout to Balance


Stress Management & Creative Mind Power

As a competent businesswoman with a house full of growing kids, I was fed up with my constant overload of stress, sickness and exhaustion.

My doctors prescribed medications were only easing and band-aiding my ailments so I began looking outside the conventional square. I tried natural therapies, ate like a rabbit, drank concoctions but still to no avail. My symptoms would only return, more frequently and severely. This ultimately affected my work, career and my relationships in an extremely debilitating way.

During this 'searching' time I was encouraged to sit in on a meditation class at a doctors surgery. Now, I knew the benefits of meditation were well documented and scientifically proven but the thought of meditation had always been a daunting and boring prospect for me. I also had a strong belief that sitting doing nothing was lazy and unproductive.

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