



Excerpted from the website::

FWD.us is an organization started by key leaders in the tech community to promote policies to keep the United States and its citizens competitive in a global economy—including comprehensive immigration reform and education reform.

Improving Our Future

FWD.us believes the global economy is changing and America must make significant changes to stay ahead. We will work to encourage Congress to focus on policies that maximize the potential of our country’s workforce to contribute to the knowledge economy.

This campaign will harness the best of new and old organizing tactics. We will use online social organizing, which many of our founders pioneered, to build a movement in the tech community, while engaging in direct advocacy at the state and district level to support members of Congress, regardless of party.

Our Principles

  • Comprehensive immigration reform that allows for the hiring of the best and brightest.
  • Education reforms that produce more graduates in the science, technology and math fields and ensure all children receive a high quality education from effective teachers and accountable schools.
  • Support for scientific research, which seeds the future innovation of our knowledge economy, and breakthrough developments.



Additional Information

External Links

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