

For Sale or Rent by Owner


Upload your photos by clicking here or send them as email attachments (Maximum 8 photos in JPG format please). If you don't know how to send photos or digital photos are not available, we will contact you for an appointment and take them for you. There is a $39.00 charge for us to come out and take the photos. We will keep copies of the photos for a possible future listing.

Payment can be made online using our secure server by clicking the "Buy Now" links below. If you would rather pay by phone or check, we will contact you after receiving your property information form to make payment arrangments.

Once your property is listed, you should then include our web site address - fsbometro.com - and your property ID# in all your advertising (including property signs). People will then be able to "Pre-Shop" your property and decide if they want to contact you. Click here for a sample classified ad.

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