
Orchard Fresh Hazelnuts - Oregon Filbert and Hazelnut Grower Selling Filberts From the Tree to You


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The Freddy Guys - Barb, Fritz and children Toby, Jocie and Evan - purchased their 60 acre hazelnut orchard in 1998, initiating a move from the cowboy country of Eastern Washington where the family had spent the last 12 years to the orchard located in the Willamette Valley of Western Oregon. They had no prior nut farming experience but had always lived close to the land. In explaining the surprising decision to up and buy a full sized filbert orchard, Freddy Guys once remarked that they have always been a little nutty, and well, "filbert farmers" was a title that just seemed to fit.

The fresh farmers were lucky to have support from their extended family while they were learning the nut farming process - Uncle Ray, an experienced farmer, helped them through their first harvest. The family support continues today, as Grandpa Newton is an occasional tractor driver, Grandpa Foulke helps prune, and both grandmothers provide food during the madness of harvest.

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Freddy Guys Filberts
Monmouth OR
United States 97361

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