Web Design, SEO and Internet Marketing Company in Colorado

Fort Collins AboutUs Page


Fort Collins Web SEO is a Web Design and Inbound Marketing that is located in Fort Collins, Colorado and is an extension of the Minneapolis based company Spark Logix Studios. Together, we provide services that span the whole gamut of inbound marketing, including web design, coding, developing, internet marketing, search engine optimization, social media management, and content creation. We combine our expertise in these various niches to increase your online exposure and ultimately heighten your business' bottom line.

Our Services

We provide comprehensive inbound marketing campaigns all backed by Fort Collins Web Design and Inbound Marketing team members who are experts in their particular niches. Our Services include:

WordPress Website Development - We design and develop custom WordPress websites which are not only modern, attractive, and of professional quality, but they are also extremely easy for you to use. That's right, with WordPress' simple dashboard system, you can become your own site master and take control over postings, pictures, comments, and more.

Search Engine Optimization - Getting your site higher in search engine rankings is one of our main inbound marketing strategies. We do this through careful keyword research, optimized content, link building, analytics, and various other strategies.

Social Media Marketing - Our social media efforts center on creating conversations about your brand, improving your business' reputation, and encouraging users to visit your site. We will build you a presence on social powerhouses, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube.

Local Search Directory Management - Consumers are relying on local search data more so than ever before. We manage over 30 business search directories and ensure your company has an accurate and complete listing (current name, address, phone number, description, etc.). We take full advantage of these directories by regularly updating them with your latest specials, products, announcements, and anything else important to your customers.

Animated Video Production - We recognize what a vital role video can play in attracting people to your site and engaging visitors in your content. We magically combine graphics, music, voiceovers, and animation to create an entertaining video that succinctly gets your message across.

PPC Campaign Management - Done right, PPC campaigns can result in quick exposure and a substantial ROI for your business. As part of our services, we carefully analyze your target demographic, keywords, and landing pages to ensure you're not directing your efforts in the wrong direction. We continually monitor your campaign's progress and make changes as necessary.

Magento eCommerce Development - If you're selling products online, a flexible eCommerce platform, such as Magento, is indispensible. We can fully design and develop your eCommerce store with useful tools for your customers, such as product comparisons, search fields, user accounts, specials, reviews, wishlists, coupons, and others. Also, we'll show you how to track important data, like sales, visitor behavior, best customers, and more.

Our Process

We take a personalized approach with all our clients and tailor inbound marketing plans specifically for the businesses we serve. When you choose us, you can expect a basic, three-part process when launching your campaign.

Step 1: Meet and Discuss Your Business' Needs

The first thing we do is meet with you and get to know your business and your unique needs. We'll discuss what you hope to get out of your campaign, pinpoint your target audience, analyze any challenges you are currently having, and discover what sets your company apart from the competition. Once we have a sound understanding of you and your industry, we'll offer suggestions for how you can improve your online marketing strategy. We'll show you data-backed examples of ways we've helped similar businesses, and how we can use our experience and knowledge to provide you with equally fantastic results.

Step 2: Develop a Strategy Plan

Once we have your go-ahead, our team will collaborate and flesh-out a plan designed especially for your company. Depending on your needs, this could include web design and development, SEO, social media marketing, or any of our services listed above. However, before beginning any of these tasks, we perform extensive research to gain a better understanding of your market, consumer behaviors, and competitors. Then, we analyze the results and, based on our findings, formulate a strategy for achieving the best possible results.

Step 3: Implement the Plan and Track Performance

Because our team members each focus on their area of expertise, you may have all of Fort Collins Web Design and Inbound Marketing working on your campaign at one time. This makes us incredibly efficient and capable of carrying out needed tasks in a timely manner. Once we get started, you will begin seeing positive results almost immediately. Of course, we won't just handover our work and leave you with no support. Effective inbound marketing requires constant analysis and modification. We offer continual service, which includes regular detailed reports, correspondence, research, and endless improvements.

Why Choose Us?

We understand you have many choices when it comes to your online marketing needs, but no other company can offer the range of benefits as provided by Fort Collins Web Design and Inbound Marketing, such as:

Higher search rankings - Not only can we get your site higher in search listings, but we can also make you more visible to those with the highest potential for conversion.

Professional, innovative website - We have creative designers and coders who can build you a one-of-a-kind site that is attractive and easy to navigate -- a great way to impress your customers.

Clear "calls to action" - We can help you choose eye-catching and enticing calls to action.

Social media growth - With our assistance you can reach unlimited numbers of people and establish a loyal following.

User-friendly WordPress Sites - WordPress sites are among the most popular for a reason; they're flexible and easy to use. We'll provide you with all the tools necessary to take control over your own site.

More personal attention - We keep you informed every step of the way and encourage your involvement throughout the whole process.

Power to manage your eCommerce business - Without the proper platform and setup, an eCommerce store can easily become overwhelming and non-productive. We'll show you how to do it right.

Better Results! - We consistently offer better results than our competitors, which means more bang for your buck. We'd love to discuss how we can help your business create a thriving inbound marketing campaign. Contact us today to learn more.

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