FlowerPossibilities.com is an online resource for florists and flower lovers


Flowers. Alive With Possibilities.


The Flower Promotion Organization, an alliance of United States and Colombian fresh cut flower growers, was created to expand consumer demand for fresh cut flowers, and ultimately expand the US market for the entire industry. The FPO is committed to increasing short-term and long-term consumer demand for fresh cut flowers.

Consisting of growers and importers, the Flower Promotion Organization is a grass roots program dedicated to the generic promotion of its product. Its board of directors is comprised of eight growers, four Colombian and four from the United States. Its initial funding comes from Colombian growers and importers.

After nearly 30 years of industry infighting, U.S. and Colombian cut flower growers have mutually agreed to an unprecedented means of settling their trade differences. The unique agreement redirects the time and resources previously spent battling legal proceedings into a multi-million dollar consumer marketing campaign designed to boost demand for cut flowers, ultimately benefiting growers on both sides of the issue.

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