FlowPower.com provides information and resources on the Power of Flow


The Delight of Synchronicity, The Power of Flow


Have you ever thought of a friend, only to have the phone ring with the friend on the other end? Bumped into someone from home in a far-off place? Received money or facts you needed out of the blue? Then you know how delightful synchronicity, or meaningful coincidence, is.

Have you had times when one obstacle after another suddenly disappeared? When events in your life converged in fortuitous ways? When you felt in the right place at the right time? Then you were "in the flow" – and you've experienced the power of flow to move you forward.

Welcome to our website, which is an exploration and celebration of synchronicity and flow. We are the authors of The Power of Flow: Practical Ways to Transform Your Life with Meaningful Coincidence, and we will be sharing with you what we’ve learned in doing research for our book,

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