Yolo County Firefighters k-9 unit. Magnum is called out by Yolo County firefighters to help determine what started suspicious fires. Magnum comes onto a scene with an unbiased opinion about the investigation," said Matt Milliron, the canine's handler, care taker and owner. "He doesn't care if the fire is arson or accidental, he's just detecting an odor he's trained to detect. Whether it's a real fire, or training, for him it's play. He's rewarded in both circumstances with food or a toy." Magnum has worked 14 fire investigations since going into service May 1, 2008. He is incredibly fast, and can search the inside and outside of a burned vehicle for an accelerant, for example, in five to 10 minutes. His speed, Milliron said, is one of the reasons he's such a great asset to the department. "

Having an arson K-9 saves money and manpower time," Milliron said. "The county wide fire investigation task force consists of paid and volunteer investigators."

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