is a medical code library for ICD-10-CM/PCS/ICD-9/CPT/HCPCS/etc


Medical Billing Codes - ICD-10-CM, ICD-10-PCS, ICD-9, CPT, HCPCS - Find-A-Code


Find-A-Code is dedicated to providing the most complete medical coding and billing resource library available anywhere. Find-A-Code's online libraries include extensive information for all major code sets (ICD-9, CPT(r), HCPCS, DRG, APC, NDC, ICD-10 and more) along with a wealth of supplemental information such as newsletters and manuals (AHA Coding Clinics, CPT Assistant, DH Newsletters, Medicare Manuals). All of this information is indexed, searchable and organized for quick access and extensive cross-referencing., is designed to help coders avoid denials, save time, and get fast answers to medical coding and billing questions using a wide variety of integrated and cross-linked information sources. The entire system can be private labeled with single-sign on capability for seamless use within your existing applications. Find-A-Code also provides a real-time data API system that operates over the web and can be integrated into virtually any EMH/EHR and other medical information systems.

The Find-A-Code data system is constantly being updated with new information to meet the frequent changes in the healthcare industry. Find-A-Code's pricing model allows organizations to pick and choose the resources needed on a per-coder basis. This saves thousands of dollars vs. traditional all-or-nothing pricing. The Find-A-Code data service is the most affordable and comprehensive medical coding information source available.

Visit our website or contact us directly to learn more about how Find-A-Code can enhance the productivity of your coders, claims managers, denial management department, and auditing departments.

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