is Employment portal.


EsiaLance - Portal Employment For Buyer and Provider (job search,project,freelance work)


Excerpted from the website description: is sa job resource and portal employment for buyer and providers.Job search,Project listing and Freelance work


Undoubtedly, the growth of Internet has spurred the development of e-commerce. However, building an e-commerce website is not exactly an easy task. While creating a website on your own is possible, it would be easier and faster if you delegate some tasks to another expert.

The problem is, finding another expert to work with can prove to be a challenge. Sometimes, it gets so time consuming that it feels as if the project would be finished faster if you had just done it yourself in the first place. Ask yourself, do you think these statements apply to you: • Your e-commerce website progress is delayed because you can’t find a web programmer to work with • You have a great portfolio but people just don’t seem to notice • You wish that there were some kind of way to get in touch with as many webmasters and freelancers to work with

If they do, then EsiaLance may be the answer to your prayers. EsiaLance is much like an auction site, where webmasters who need to outsource their work can get in touch with others who can provide the service they need. If you are familiar with, well, EsiaLance works according to the same mechanism. However, EsiaLance is unique in that it primarily serves to accommodate the needs of webmasters to outsource and freelancers to find employment.

Much like an auction site, webmasters ( or “buyers” ) can post details about their projects on the site, free of charge. Other webmasters or freelancers ( or the “providers” ) then look up which projects are of an interest to them and place a bid. The buyers have the rights to choose a provider that suits their needs. After a winning bidder is determined, the buyer and the provider then agree upon a price and exchange information via e-mail to begin working on the project.

At EsiaLance, there are many job categories that you can choose from. From HTML and XHTML programming to website design, script installation to server administration and language translation to search engine optimization, every webmaster is sure to find what they are looking for. There is also an opportunity for each freelancer to work at their specialized fields.

The advantages of using EsiaLance are it has great customer support and advanced features that are easy to use. Most importantly, EsiaLance also provides a unique opportunity to market your freelance services and find all the business you need to succeed.

What is EsiaLance ? EsiaLance is a portal employment for buyers who need to outsource their project and providers to work according to their specialized fields.


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