DumpKenhAryckI.com Stillwater, MN needs to dump Ken Harycki for a new mayor!

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No More Ha-Risky "Snake Oil" Politics

After 4 years of creating "committees" and getting almost nothing done, except a 4% tax increase, Stillwater needs a new mayor.

Ha-Risky stated during his last campaign that his opponent (David Junker) was in "favor of raising taxes." He said that Mr. Junker was in favor of a "lodging tax." Ha-Risky went on to say, "we are already taxed too much."

Ha-Risky again did not do what he promised... Breaking his promise, he implemented a lodging tax doing exactly what his opponent Mr. Junker predicted was necessary. His administration also raised our property taxes almost 4% this year. Ha-Risky is now pushing for a new Taj Mahal Fire Station which could increase taxes by another 15%.

Ha-Risky said, "We are already taxed too much, what we need is a proactive mayor with vision..." He was right, Vote Ha-Risky, the incumbent, out of office!

Can our city survive any more of Ha-Risky's Broken Campaign Promises, Poor Judgment, and Tax Increases?

More info here: http://www.dumpkenharycki.com/taxes2.htm No More Ha-Risky "Snake Oil" Politics

The real facts regarding the Gazette article online about the candidates. http://www.stillwatergazette.com/articles/2010/08/06/headlines/521mayoralprimary.txt

The article quotes Ha-Risky, "I think I can stand on my record of accomplishments as mayor. We've put a lot of work in on what I think are the four main issues facing the city since I've been in office. We've put a lot of time and effort into levee question facing the city, and the other projects are the bridge, the armory and the new fire hall. On three of those four issues, we've made significant progress."

Don't you find it a bit disingenuous for the mayor to be stating as his record of accomplishments, the levee, the new bridge, and the armory? None of these issues were accomplished by him, nor started by him. He has had nothing to do with any of them, except to try to turn them into campaign issues.

Is it prudent for us now to spend money we don't have, raising our taxes, on a fire station that wasn't the recommended solution by a $40k study we paid for? What is even crazier is that we are now considering this prior to setting a budget for next year. This is simply more "snake oil" offered by the sitting mayor in an effort to say that he did something during an election campaign.

What about the issues he ran on 4 years ago? What did he do about the "cut through traffic in our neighborhoods jeopardizing the safety of our children?" Where are the "traffic cops downtown directing traffic" that he promised? And on… And on… And on...

Ha-Risky's only real accomplishment has been to embarrass our city with his poor judgment. He was investigated by the Washington County Attorney for a conflict of interest. The investigation came back showing that he did have a conflict of interest, but the prosecutor decided not to prosecute. Read about it here: http://www.co.washington.mn.us/client_files/documents/att/Press_Release/ATT-PR04242007.pdf

He was stopped by the Bayport police for speeding and almost was shot for his crazy actions. All of this was reported in the Gazette and can be easily verified here: http://dumpkenharycki.com/judgement3.htm

What we need is a mayor that is interested in our city, not someone interested in himself. We don't need another Mayor ready to take credit for things he had nothing to do with and ignoring promises made during the last election campaign.

Place your vote on November 2nd for someone who will positively represent Stillwater, not someone that will continue to embarrass our fine city with their poor judgment and lack of common sense.

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