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Formation & Development of Disability Sports NI - Establishment of DSNI in 1997

Despite the fact that 1 in 5 of the population in Northern Ireland (See Research Page) have some form of disability, a range of attitudinal, physical, economic and structural barriers combined with a historical lack of investment by government in sport for people with disabilities had resulted in a situation in the 1990’s where organised opportunities for people with disabilities to take part in sport or physical activity were extremely limited.

Although a small number of disability ‘governing bodies of sport’ were running valuable programmes for specific ‘impairment groups’ particularly at a competitive level, these groups were very poorly resourced and were dependent on the goodwill of a small number of dedicated volunteers. Because of this the groups lacked the capacity to provide opportunities and activities in the scale required.

In recognition of this situation, and following a planning process initiated and facilitated by the Sports Council for Northern Ireland, the four existing disability specific ‘governing bodies’ of sport agreed to set up a disability sports umbrella organisation to have overall responsibility for the co-ordination, promotion and development of disability sport throughout Northern Ireland. This was achieved in June 1997 when Disability Sports NI was legally established.

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