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Modern Library Collecting- covering all aspects of the Modern Library books series 1917-1970


About Dogeared

Dogeared is a site for collectors of the Modern Library series of books as published continuously from 1917 through about 1975. The information deals with the numbered hardback issues 1917-1970 (sewn bindings) plus the quality paperback series 1955-1960. I currently exclude the Modern Library College Editions because few people collect them.

For detailed information about Dogeared beyond what you find on this brief page, see the Dogeared section on the FAQ page.

ML Collecting Entities

Dogeared deals with the left-brain side of the hobby: facts, figures, edition points, dust jackets, bindings, variations, contents—stuff about the books themselves. Dogeared's complementary site, Ron Holl's Modern Library Amenities, deals with the right-brain side: personal stuff about collectors and their collections. (Amenities might also deal with other ML topics that Dogeared doesn't cover, plus some material from the post-1970 period.) A third entity, The Modern Library Listserv hosted by John Krygier at Ohio Wesleyan University, handles discussions among ML collectors and is the official communication medium for both Dogeared and Amenities.

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