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In order to achieve our shared goals of an independent dental patient, we must develop a trusting relationship with you and your child. Frequently this relationship is not achieved if the child's focus is on the parent rather than on the dental experience. Therefore, it is our desire that your presence in the clinical area will be by our invitation.

All our providers are trained in many methods to help children feel comfortable with dental treatment. One important way to increase your child's comfort and trust in our office is through the vocabulary used before, during, and after the appointment. We have developed a vocabulary that will fully explain the procedure to the child without using words that are frightening such as "shot", "drill", and "hurt". The dental staff will help you with words that are appropriate for your child.

We are proud of our entire dental team. All members of our team are knowledgeable, sensitive, and compassionate. As you get to know all of our team members, we are confident that you and your child will be happy and have an enjoyable visit to our office.

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