Founded in 1992 by the two current working directors


Dealer Solutions


Founded in 1992 by the two current working directors, Dealer Solutions set about computerising many of the manual administrative tasks found in a motor dealership.

Dealer Solutions strive to keep abreast of technology and are pioneers in the development of leading edge software and Internet services for the Retail Motor Industry. Since their inception in 1992, Dealer Solutions now employs 18 staff to meet the ever-changing needs of their clients. In May 2000, Dealer Solutions expanded nationally with the release of a new software package Stockit. Incorporating some of the features of Dealerlogic with comprehensive GST management, Stockit became the first truly national dealership software package.

Coinciding with their national expansion, Dealer Solutions widened the capabilities of their software to incorporate Motorcycles, Caravans & Campervans, Trucks and Farm Machinery. Many dealers from around the country now rely on Dealer Solutions software to provide their GST and inventory management systems.

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